Combine the versatile Opal-RAD Professional Workstation software with our web-based DICOM Viewer and you have anywhere, anytime viewing now on any device.
mOpal (mobile Opal) is a browser-based viewer for reviewing images on Mac, Windows, mobile devices, tablets and smart phones including iPad, iPhone, Android, and Blackberry. With mOpal, receive fast access both onsite or remotely**, available with any 20/20 system.
**WORLDWIDE access includes OpalWeb license, however a certified IT personnel must configure Server PC and outside network configuration at expense of customer.
mOpal Features
Podiatry Samples
Username: pod
Password: demodemo
Orthopaedic Samples
Username: hand
Password: demodemo
Chiropractic Samples
Username: chiro
Password: demodemo
Veterinary Samples
Username: vet
Password: demodemo
General Access (no image filter)
Username: all
Password: demodemo